To: City of Decatur School Board

Keep Lenox Place Zoned for Oakhurst Elementary

We, the undersigned, support keeping the Lenox Place neighborhood* zoned for Oakhurst Elementary school.

Geographically, Oakhurst is truly our neighborhood school. For most Lenox Place residents, the distance is a half-mile or less. Our kids walk, ride, and scoot along a path designated by Safe Routes to Schools. It’s a commute that’s fun, safe, and healthy.

Multiple studies show that walking to school reduces childhood obesity and increases health and well-being. Walking also promotes family bonding and a sense of community. Lenox Placers are a vital and active part of the Oakhurst Elementary community. Our proximity only helps to promote that engagement.

Westchester Elementary is at least 1.5 miles from Lenox Place. This location is not conducive to walking.

As a passionate proponent of health, fitness, and well-being for its students, CSD should remain committed to keeping its K-3 students in walkable schools. For Lenox Place, the obvious and best choice is Oakhurst. We treasure our walks to and from our neighborhood school and respectfully request that we be allowed to remain there after rezoning.

*Melrose Ave., Howard Ave., Drexel Ave., Hampshire Ave., Devonshire Ave., Lansdowne Ave., Adair St., Emerson Ave., Adair Ct., Cottonwood Pl. and part of Hibernia Ave.

Why is this important?

Next year Westchester Elementary will open and Decatur's K-3 students will be rezoned. Lenox Place's children risk being removed from the very walkable Oakhurst Elementary and sent to Westchester, which is too far away for our young kids to walk to.
