To: The Texas State House, The Texas State Senate, and Governor Greg Abbott

keep midwifery and homebirth safe and legal

Whereas women maintain the basic human rights of privacy, bodily integrity, and the rights to choose their care provider and place of birth; whereas the practice of giving birth in hospitals attended by physicians has coincided with rapidly increasing rates of induction, epidurals, and vaginal and abdominal surgical interventions; whereas such interventions are scientifically proven to increase morbidity and mortality rates for both woman and child; whereas, homebirth with either a Certified Nurse Midwife or a Certified Professional Midwife in attendance is scientifically proven to have outcomes equal to or better than hospital birth; Resolved that the undersigned concerned citizens object to any legislation which restricts a woman's rights to choose her place to give birth, including her right to choose to birth at home, or her right to have access to a Certfied Professional Midwife.

Why is this important?

Midwifery and homebirth have always been legal in Texas. Study after study has shown homebirth with a qualified midwife to be safe. The choice of where and with whom a woman chooses to give birth is a fundamental human right. Please continue to protect that right.
