To: Neal Boortz, THE Talkmaster

Keep Neal Boortz from retiring until 1/21/14

My goal for this petition is to get 5 Million listeners to sign this petition and to ask Neal to get us well into the next campaign cycle and to retire on 1/21/14 so that the new President knows exactly what American's are thinking. As Larry the Cable Guy would say "Let's Get R Done"!

Why is this important?

If you listen to Neal Boortz on a daily basis you know that he impacts millions of lives in a positive way by pointing out what is absolutely "CRAZY" that is happening in the United States and keeping citizens focused on the Real Deal!

Even though he made the choice to retire on Monday, January 21, 2013 we as his loyal listeners and supports need to give a concert style encore cheer for just one more year to get us into the next presidential cycle with reason!

You only have to look at his "about us" page on the bottom left to know we still need him a bit longer. Through this process I would like to meet Neal in person and like millions of Americans thank him in person and ask him to stay for "1 More Year"...