California’s non-profit hospitals must bring executive compensation into alignment with real-world salaries.
No non-profit hospital system CEO or executive should be compensated at a higher level than the President of the United States--$450,000 per year.
Limit non-profit hospital executive salaries to a level that reflects their charitable mission.
Why is this important?
California’s non-profit hospitals can be very profitable for hospital system executives, who make as much as $4.8 million per year.*
Outrageous executive salaries contribute to the rising cost of healthcare, which leaves many Californians unable to access medical treatment, or buried under a mountain of medical debt. It’s unreasonable and unnecessary for a non-profit hospital executive to be paid more than the President of the United States--$450,000 per year.
Ask California’s health care regulators to bring non-profit hospitals’ executive compensation in line with their charitable mission: no more than $450,000 in compensation per year. We will deliver your signature directly to California Attorney General Kamala Harris, Insurance Commissioner Dave Jones, and California Health & Human Services Secretary Diana S. Dooley.
*Lloyd Dean made $4,882,756 million from July, 2011 to June, 2012 as CEO of Dignity Health.