To: President Donald Trump, The California State House, The California State Senate, Governor Gavin Newsom, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Keep our nation's patents accessible

Where by the ‘Pick a company finical bones clean’ Rich are closing factories and businesses for the sole purpose of cashing out companies and raiding pension funds WITH Patents and Licenses and/or renouncing U.S. Citizenship so as to dodge paying their fair share of taxes.
Ex: Facebook Eduardo Saverin renounced his US Citizenship JUST to doge Taxes!
Ex: One business in Des Moines Iowa sold off, moved out of the country, employees laid-off, and pension funds raided, just for the money! Armstrong Tire & Rubber
Ex. Add your company here!

Where as these Patents and Licenses are either lock up or sold off EVEN to foreign businesses and/or countries denying U.S. companies access to make jobs and produce products and licenses of use in these United States!

We petition the US and State Governments to step in and make these patents and licenses public domain for easy access to any one in THESE United States to use to produce products and/or license to operate in THESE United States AND provide JOBS in any one of the United States as retribution for DENYING product access, licenses of use, raided pension funds, AND U.S. Jobs to dodge paying their fair share of Taxes of cashed out companies and pension funds from the destruction and/or closer there of businesses and factories in THESE United States!

Why is this important?

The Rich have been running our nation's companies into the ground just for the money. When a company is taken over and it's financial bones picked clean 'Just For the money ' it lays off workers, it closes the doors on product access, and services, and the PATENTS and Licenses Used to make and provide products and services are lock away or worst sold to foreign countries.
