To: David Keller, Franklin County Commissioner, Robert Ziobrowski, Franklin County Commissioner, and Robert Thomas, Franklin County Commissioner

Keep Our Nursing Home Ours!

Do not sell our county nursing home. Falling Spring Nursing and Rehabilitative Center has been a priority for generations of Franklin County residents since 1808.

Why is this important?

Our county-owned nursing home, Falling Spring Nursing and Rehabilitative Center, provides end-of-life and restorative care for our citizens who need care and who have exhausted all of their resources.

We must fight this because:
*Our home receives the highest marks for the excellent care given to its residents & their families by professional, caring staff.
*There has been no suggestion or evidence of mismanagement of the home.
*Most of the residents were not accepted at privately owned facilities.
*It accepts all Franklin County citizens regardless of their ability to pay.
*It does not pose an unreasonable burden on our county budget.
*County Commissioners have given no reason for the sale.
