To: Blue Valley School District Board Members

Keep Our Service Dogs at LVE

Having KSDS puppies in training attending LVE as canine students has changed the atmosphere of the school. These puppies create joy and smiles throughout the building. LVE children know proper etiquette around service animals, they know the process it takes to train a service animal, but most of all they take ownership in the process. They can tell you why some people need service dogs and how a dog can help a person. The virtues we so strongly teach are embodied in the process of raising, training, and loving these animals. In return, the dogs give that warm feeling to every student and parent that walks in the building. Students benefit from the daily contact and some even more from the special help these dogs can give a student in need. They have been used at other schools in the district to help with grief counseling. LVE is unique because of the way these dogs have focused the children towards the responsibility of helping to make the dogs successful, so they can also help to change the life of the dog's future life partner. The dogs truly benefit from the children, but the children feel the compassion and pride in the process they are involved in. LVE is ready for any student that comes with a service dog and they can embrace the service dogs they see in public knowing they are a part of the process of helping others.

Why is this important?

My children attend Liberty View Elementary School which is about to lose the privilege of having Service Dogs. I am starting this petition because I believe the Service Dogs we have had the opportunity to share our school with are an important part of the educational experience our children have at Liberty View Elementary. I think removing these dogs from our school will have a negative impact on our children. I believe these dogs provide the kids with a sense of warmth which enhances their learning experience.
