To: President Donald Trump, The Colorado State House, The Colorado State Senate, Governor Jared Polis, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Keep our traffic flowing!

Let's get rid of rubbernecking, and the accidents/traffic that it creates. Implement a proven "view blocking" screen system for vehicular accidents.

Why is this important?

A traffic accident is a horrible event. Aside from the obvious, this creates a dangerous scenario for the everyday driver. Many passers-by are focused on the accident, and not on the road, compounding the problem, and possibly leading to additional collisions. "Rubber necking" also creates a traffic flow issue, and keeps everyone from getting where they need to be. Let's try implementing a time proven system started in the UK . Responders would erect a temporary fabric wall that blocks the accident from the view of the public. With nothing to look at, the traffic will flow normally, and drivers will remain alert.