To: Peter Wysocki, Planning & Development Director, Denise Tortorice, Planner, and Don Knight, Council Member, District 1

Keep Peregrine Unspoilt; Say No to the AT&T Antenna

Tell City Planning: we’ve had enough of unsightly wireless infrastructure spoiling the Peregrine community. Passing a Use Variance to “plant” an AT&T Antenna on the hillside to the south of St. Francis will spoil the native vistas we enjoy and open the door to future commercial development – this is unacceptable.

Why is this important?

City Planning are reviewing an application from AT&T that would site a 45’ Antenna, disguised as a tree immediately to the south of St. Francis. This “camouflaged” metal tree will tower approx. 20’ over the existing treeline, impacting the native beauty of Peregrine.

Enough is enough, the area is well covered by wireless technologies. Industrial lampposts recently added to the NW of Woodman, and the barn on the ridge to the south of Woodmen both contain wireless antennas. This infrastructure has the capacity to support the bandwidth required by additional cellular providers.

Perhaps more importantly, if City Planning grant this application and the Use Variance of the existing hillside and valley, it would set a precedence for the future. Opening the door to additional commercial and residential development. This is not how many of our neighbors want to see Peregrine developed.
