To: U.S. Coast Guard

Keep Radioactive Frack Wastewater off our rivers

I oppose the Coast Guard's proposal to allow shale gas extraction ("frack") wastewater to be carried on the nation's rivers. Frack wastewater is highly toxic, often radioactive, and the chemical brew's "proprietary" ingredients will be kept from the public. As a Nation, we drink water drawn from rivers and want to protect the living communities whose lives depend on them. We cannot risk the pollution this wastewater will bring through spills, accidents and cumulative degradation.

Why is this important?

We must fight to defend our rivers from pollution and degradation from gas drilling and fracking. Frack waste is so toxic that even the Coast Guard has recognized that its radioactivity and hazardous components warrant special limits on its transport. But they are trying to avoid public scrutiny and participation by a quick and dirty approval process that is riddled with loopholes that essentially remove any safeguard they propose, putting the water quality of all rivers and public health at great risk. Comment period has been extended to Dec. 6. If we all speak up, we can stop this.