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To: Montgomery Selectboard

Keep the Montgomery Grange Open All Year Long

The Montgomery Townhall/Grange is the only true, open to all without conditions, community space we have in our town. Over the last year alone it has been used for multiple community oriented offerings, including weekly fitness and wellness classes, dance lessons, as well as community gathering for fun and fundraising. The town decided to close the building for the months of December, January and February to save money on heating it, although the basement remains heated year-round. Many people in town who enjoy using the space would like to see it stay open and available for all to use/rent during the winter months when community gathering is of the upmost importance. This petition is a starting point to help make that happen and begin discussions as a community on how to keep the space open throughout the year.

Why is this important?

Montgomery needs a space that is open and welcoming to all for use and available for community gatherings all year long.



2023-11-09 18:41:49 -0500

50 signatures reached

2023-11-09 12:37:21 -0500

25 signatures reached

2023-11-09 12:00:12 -0500

10 signatures reached