To: The Pennsylvania State House, The Pennsylvania State Senate, and Governor Tom Wolf


Negro Mountain is a part of history and opens the opportunity for discussions about the significance of Black contributions to America. It is not offensive or shameful. In fact, it has the highest peak of the range and it is extremely honorable. We must stop them from sweeping black history under the rug. Not all of us who are Black are offended by this.

The mountains do not need to be "brought into the 21st century."

Black History is important and if anything, the legislature could come up with opportunities instead of sweeping it under the rug.

Why is this important?

I'm starting this petition because I am Black and not offended by the name. It's awesome and although I was surprised when I first saw it in 2009, it sparked me to learn more about the history of the name. And to hear that it was to celebrate a man that was fine. What's sad is that they want to recognize that this Black man killed an enemy and then to use the name NEMESIS of all things. That may be the man's name, but who named him that?
Nemesis is defined as "a long-standing rival; an archenemy."

He was not an enemy to America and NEGRO MOUNTAIN is more significant and sparks discussion.

Drive past NEMESIS MOUNTAIN and no one will even think to bat an eye at it.

Leave the name as it is!
