To: Morgantown High School Administration and Paul Mihalko

Keep the Red and Blue Gown Tradition at Morgantown High School

Victory! The creator of this petition declared the campaign a success. You can still sign the petition to show support.

Keep long standing traditions alive at Morgantown High School.

Why is this important?

The 2017 senior class was informed yesterday that the long standing tradition of the girls and boys wearing different colored gowns had changed to everyone wearing blue. As far back as people can remember the gowns have been two different colors. In earlier years the girls wore white and the boys wore blue, starting in the early 80's the girls wore red and boys wore blue. Back in those days the red gowns made up an "M" with a blue background. As a graduate of 1984, I remember this with pride. Traditions are important in our society. These days it's hard to provide our kids with examples of long standing tradition. If you were a graduate from MHS and would like to keep his tradition, please sign this petition and forward it on to other MHS graduates. Hopefully together, we can change the administrations's mind on making this change. After all our Alma Mater says "We sing our song of praise to the beloved "Red and Blue."