To: Tufts IT

Keep Tufts Email Forwarding Active After Graduation

Currently, Tufts email addresses expire 90 days after graduation, without any email forwarding provided, causing all messages sent to those email addresses to remain undelivered. By signing here, I support having indefinite email forwarding from my Tufts email to my long-term email address.

Why is this important?

I am an MD-PhD student in my 8th and final year at Tufts, and have created this petition on behalf of myself and other graduating Tufts medical and graduate students. We have all made many professional contacts during our time at Tufts, in addition to listing our Tufts emails as contact information in published works and professional forums.
By blocking all email that comes to our Tufts accounts starting 90 days after graduation, Tufts will negatively affect our careers as future Tufts graduates. Lifetime email forwarding is provided by many institutions to their graduates, but Tufts is not among them, and this leaves us at a disadvantage. Please sign if you support having Tufts forward our email indefinitely after we graduate, so that we don't risk losing valuable connections. Thank you.
-Sam Stampfer
