No Social Security Cuts. Keeping a Promise of a Lifetimes Investment. Its NOT our money to take.
Why is this important?
Social Security, a retirement promise. A lifetime investment, and now, with no life years to make other investments, there is a threat to renig. Is the government going to "make-off like Madoff"? Stealing from the old, and's just WRONG.
Many other options:
- Unemployment - Drug test for your check. Extended unemployment recipients volunteer 10 hours a week and or attend training. Volunteer to do the training!
- Food Stamps - NO JUNK FOOD !!! Monthly Home Economics class(es); Healthy cooking, Coupon Shopping, Building a Menu/Eliminate Food Waste. (oh, unemployment volunteers could teach these)
Do Not Break a Promise. Do Not be Bully, attacking Old and Disabled. Do Not take a quick fix with a pot of money that is not ours to take...WORK at trimming "Social Entitlements".