To: The Kansas State House and The Kansas State Senate


Kris Kobach lied to Kansas voters about "seven cases of voter fraud" he claims to have found. The truth is, NONE of those seven cases resulted in convictions for voter fraud. The only voter fraud in Kansas in the past 40 years has been that perpetrated by Kris Kobach in his run for the office of Kansas Secretary of State. Sign this petition and refuse to show a photo ID at the polls in order to discourage the legislature from imposing any more needless impediments on voting in Kansas.

Why is this important?

Kris Kobach lied to Kansas voters about "seven cases of voter fraud" he claims to have found. The truth is, NONE of those seven cases resulted in convictions for voter fraud. The only voter fraud in Kansas in the past 40 years has been that perpetrated by Kris Kobach in his run for the office of Kansas Secretary of State.
