To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Kick the Lobbyists Out of D.C. !

Kick the lobbyists out of DC! Make it illegal for any government official to go to work for any lobbyist firms or any corporate or financial companies that have benefited directly from the legislation or voting record or influence from that government official while he/she was in office.

Why is this important?

Don't forget Jack Abramoff--right from the horse's mouth. After doing time in a federal penitentiary, former corrupt big time lobbyist Jack Abramoff has come clean to offer a solution to the corruption in our nations capitol. Kick the lobbyists out. Make it illegal and a conflict of interest to accept huge salaries or any amount of compensation in any form during or after the completion of their terms in our nations Senate or House of Representatives from companies who have benefited directly from their time in office.

Currently, it is legal to offer fat paying jobs to Senators and Congressmen upon completion of their elected terms, to do the bidding of corporations and Wall Street while an active senator or congressman. Let's make this blatant conflict of interest illegal!

Also, stop the revolving door of corruption and make it illegal to hold a public office when it calls into question a conflict of interest. For example, if a publicly held office has the potential to benefit a company that a senator or congressman or any government official has worked for in the past, or has held or currently holds financial interest in or will in the future in the form of a job when their term is up. Like many in the FDA and EPA who have in the past worked for Monsanto for example.