To: Craig Kallman, CEO-Atlantic Records and Cameron Strang, CEO-Warner Bros

Kid Rock: Take the racist Confederate flag down at your concerts!

Musician Kid Rock, who has been influenced by Black musical traditions and has said, "I love Black people," refuses to remove the racist confederate flag of terror from his concert performances, despite repeated requests. As more and more people are learning the true history of this symbol, following the brutal murders of the Emmanuel 9, we are calling on the CEO's of Atlantic and Warner Brother Records to disassociate their labels from this artist until Kid Rock removes this racist flag from his concerts.

Why is this important?

The Confederate battle flag, revived by racist terror groups during the civil rights struggles in the 20th century, remains a powerful, negative and deadly symbol for promoting racial terror today. The recent murders of the Emmanuel 9 and this flag's influence on the alleged perpetrator of those murders is a horrific reminder. People who "love" others should renounce the Confederate flag and not associate with it in any manner!