To: President Donald Trump, The Massachusetts State House, The Massachusetts State Senate, Governor Charlie Baker, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Kill ANY Kill At Will Legislation

No citizen of the Commonwealth shall use deadly force against any individual they feel threatened by. They should immediately call the authorities and report the situation. They should not take any further action, and should withdraw from the perceived threat. They should not, under any circumstances, follow the individual. The only possible reasonable reason for the use of such force should be if an individual invades or breaks into someone's property. Individuals should NOT be allowed to carry around concealed or un-concealed weapons in public. They do not have the training to use a weapon on a perceived threat. That is what we pay the Police to do.

Why is this important?

This is about Trayvon Martin, a 17 year old gunned down in cold blood for the crime of being Black and wearing a hoodie. His MURDERER has not been arrested after more than 30 days since this unpardonable crime. The criminal who committed this heinous act hasn't even denied it. He disregarded the express order from the Police to stand down and stop following Trayvon. He ignored this order, and an innocent child is dead. There is NO excuse for this murder.
