To: Dr. Ron Paul

Kindly demand Dr. Ron Paul to step down from the 2012 election.

"Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it."
George Santayana

Ralph Nader allegedly won George W. Bush the 2000 election by stealing votes from Al Gore. Let's prevent the same thing from happening again.

Why is this important?

Despite rumors that Ron Paul is out of the presidential race, he is still planning to run on the ballots in November.

Speaking as a fan of Ron Paul, there is no significant chance he will win the race in November (he has about 12% of the vote). The only purpose he is serving by staying in the race is taking votes away from Barack Obama. True Ron Paul supporters are more inclined to vote for Obama.

This exact thing allegedly happened in the 2000 Presidential election, where Ralph Nader got George W. Bush elected by taking votes that would have gone to Al Gore.

Please ask that Dr. Paul step down from the election, to keep another Bush presidency from happening.
