To: Scott Swain, Lieut.

Hawthorne P.D. California, Cop Kills Owners Dog!

Victory! The creator of this petition declared the campaign a success. You can still sign the petition to show support.

Calling for justice of owner and his fellow companion his friend, his dog. He had the right to secure his dog before they arrested him. And Lieut. Scott Swine could have used another form of taking the dog down for a brief minute.

Why is this important?

Leon Rosby had been asked to turn down the music blaring from his car because it was interfering with an investigation. Meanwhile the owner filming the cops proceeds to placing his dog back into his car, in the backseat. Then he walks towards the cops freely, let's himself get arrested. The dog begins to bark, jumps out the window. Then the officer Shoots 4 shots killing the dog!

Video provided at the link below: