To: The United States House of Representatives and The United States Senate
Label All Nanomolecular Materials in Products
Consumers have a right to know when a product contains nanomolecular particles such as titanium dioxide, prevalent in many sunscreens, skin creams, supplements and pharmaceuticals. Animal studies show that ingestion of these particles lead to massive metabolic damage and disease. Only the Congress can require all product lables to show when these particles are present, especially if products can be ingested.
Why is this important?
Thousands of products contain nanomolecular particles of metals or other compounds (around one billionth of a meter in size). Animal studies with nanomolecular titanium dioxide have shown that due to their small size/large surface area, they cause severe damage inside cells, and can easily cross the blood-brain barrier, causing heart and cardiovascular disease and brain disorders like Alzheimers.