To: The New York State House, The New York State Senate, and Governor Andrew Cuomo

Label Law: Support The Right To Know What Is In Our Food

In order to safeguard the health of our families NYS must enact a food label law requiring the labelling of all GMO's. Let NYS be the role model for the country and leader in protecting the health of its residents by passing a food label law now.

Why is this important?

GMO's (genetically modified organisms) are in a wide variety of foods regulary consumed by the public. Although GMO's are believed to be extremely dangerous to your health, there currently is no law in NY state or any other state prohibiting them, or even requiring foods containing GMO's to at least be labelled as such. In order to safeguard the health of our families, it is imperative that we have a label law requiring all foods containing GMO's to be labelled as such.
