To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Last Relative Immigration Act

If the United State promotes family values, it should be respected that the last relative should be able to immigrate to the US to be a family to a citizen.
I have nobody in this country and my only son is abroad and it takes over 10 years to bring a relative to the US, because he is over 21. How would you like that you could not have a family member in your country because of the bureaucratic rules?

Why is this important?

Last relative immigration act.
Most countries have a policy when a citizen who has no other relatives in the country can sponsor only one relative to come to the country. It doesn't matter if it s a grandmother or a brother. It is a last relative, who needs and wants to immigrate to establish a family connection.
I have a 28 year old son who is my only relative and I can't get him immigrate to the US because he is over 21. I have nobody in this country. This is just not right.