To: MCPS School Board and Alex Apostle, MCPS Superintendent

Later MCPS High School start time

MCPS High Schools should start 1 hour later than the current schedule (i.e. 8:55 am instead of 7:55 am).

Why is this important?

Research shows that teenagers have difficulty sleeping before 10:30 pm, and that they need 8.5 - 9.5 hours of sleep per night. Moving school start times to later than 8:30 am improves student performance and graduation rate and lowers depression rates in teens. Yet high schools in Missoula start at 7:55 am. Additionally, high schools finish at 3:00 pm, which means that many teens are home alone for several hours before their parents. If MCPS high schools started at 8:55 am and finished at 4:00 pm, teens would be more likely to get needed sleep and less likely to get into trouble during the afternoons.
