To: Internal Revenue Service

Launch Investigation against Westboro Baptist Church

It is absolutely unacceptable for Fred Phelps and the Westboro Baptist Church, to promote their extreme hate and discrimination using funds from their church, which are tax exempt. They are not promoting the Gospel of Christ. They dishonor and disrespect funerals, and other events because they are incredibly Homophobic. Discrimination and Hate Crimes are against the law. Their tax exempt status should be revoked, and they should be investigated for using church funds to promote their bile. Freedom of Speech does not include tearing people apart, and hurting them and saying things that are not true. Their website www.godhatesfags is deplorable! God does NOT hate, but loves each and every one of us. They even protested at Matthew Shepard's funeral; the young man who was brutally beaten, and left to die on the side of the road. It is a travesty to allow this to continue.

Why is this important?

Fred Phelps and the Westboro Baptist Church of Topeka, Kansas should be investigated in suspect of using tax exempt funds from their Non-Profit Status 501(c)3 , to promote hate and discrimination.
