To: The United States House of Representatives and The United States Senate

Lead By Example

In enacting “austerity measures” to help get our country's budget debt load and economy back on track, members of Congress should lead by example. Beginning in January 1, 2012, members of Congress should be entitled to the same health care and pension options available to the average American, and nothing more: Social Security, Medicare, 401K pension plans and the range of health care plans options the rest of us have to choose from (and pay for). When they leave office, the government (that is, American taxpayers) will no longer cover their health care. Their pension plan will be a 401K that they will have to contribute to, with no guarantee of return. They will give up all the other lifetime perks they now enjoy at taxpayers' expense. When the national debt level (debt-to-GDP rate) drops below 40%, unemployment is less than 5%, Social Security and Medicare are solvent (without major cuts to benefits) and all Americans have access to quality health care and a reasonable pension, Congress may reconsider improving their benefits.

Why is this important?

Members of Congress should be entitled to the same health care and pension options available to the average American, and nothing more: Social Security, Medicare, 401K pension plans and the range of health care plans options the rest of us have to choose from.
