To: President Donald Trump, The Florida State House, The Florida State Senate, Governor Ron DeSantis, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Leave teaching to educators!

This petition demands that the federal government stop claiming pubic education is in crisis and needs improving. Every political race makes this claim, but they have no idea how to "fix" something that isn't broken. There is always need for improvement, but more testing kids, phony teacher evaluations, and private-for-profit vouchers are NOT the way to do it. Fund all schools equitably without imposing expensive and impossible criteria for students and teachers.

Why is this important?

Every political race claims that public education needs improving.but they have no idea how to "fix" something teachers and students have not broken. There is always need for improvement, (districts are always providing trainings), but more testing kids, phony teacher evaluations, and private-for-profit vouchers are NOT the way to do it. There is growing recognition, especially in Florida, that schools are being made to "fail" so private-for-profit companies can provide alternatives. Taking education out of the hands of educators is wrong for the sake of students, teachers, and the future of U.S. citizens.