To: President Donald Trump, The Utah State House, The Utah State Senate, Governor Gary R. Herbert, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Legalize cannabis in the state of Utah

Victory! The creator of this petition declared the campaign a success. You can still sign the petition to show support.

Legalize it now,if nature has no freedom then when will we . Legalize in the state of utah

Why is this important?

So many people need it for medical reasons, for rec this would help tag state so much it would lower crime rate. Most of the people in jail are there because of a plant that helps people. Tho also would create more jobs. 3/4 of the people have admit they smoke or had. There has been no deaths at all. Tabbaco cause millions of deaths each year, but yet legal??? Cannabis helps people and no deaths but illegal. Open you eyes and realize how dumb it is to have it illegal there are so much I can still talk about and so many people in the state of Utah would agree.