To: The United States House of Representatives

Legalize Gay Marriage { Federal Law }

Why? Legalizing gay marriage is best for America. If you care about equality, fighting for what you believe in, and happiness for humanity, then sign my petition. Maybe we will be one step closer to actually being united. After all, we are the United States of America.

Why is this important?

Many of you may read the headline and think 'who cares?' Maybe you're asking 'How is this relevant to all of America?' Well, here are answers to a few questions.

•Why should I care? // Well, this is a problem and if we ignore it then it will lead to bigger issues in the future. Homosexuals will eventually get so sick and tired of being mistreated and not being able to marry that they will rebel.

•How does this affect me? // Good question. How would you feel if you and your true love couldn't be together? Don't act like 'it's different' because deep down you slightly understand what I mean. The thing is it won't even affect you. Many straight couples get married every day and your life goes unaffected. So how will a gay couple affect you? It won't.

•Well I don't want to see PDA. It's repulsive. // Well I barely like seeing straight couples kiss and I'm 100% straight. Seeing ANY COUPLE touching, kissing, etc. too much is nasty. That will never change. It's life. This is America, and we ALL have freedoms.

•What about children? They'll get the wrong idea and think it's okay! // It is okay! We live in a world where people can't be themselves. Not only teens and adults but children too. How many gay kids do you know? Not a lot? Well I know a few and their parents are straight. Their parents also say they are not aware of any of their kids being exposed to homosexual couples. Which means two things. 1) Your children will NOT turn gay because they saw a couple and 2) Those kids had curiosity. If a child turns out gay it's because their heart likes the same sex. They like it! They were curious and they tried it and ended up liking it. They can't change that; it's not their choice.

•What about God? Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve. // I'm Christian. I believe in God. I really do. There just comes a point in life when you have to sit back and look at the world. Look at all the proof against the Bible and look at the proof supporting it. You can't stick to one thought your whole life. God says homosexuality is wrong and it's a sin. I just can't believe you guys still say 'We are all Gods' children' yet go around judging people so much because they love the same sex and you say they're going to hell. Well that means they aren't Gods' children. Adam and Eve were straight up naked with each other! They weren't married. So stop teaching your kids that loving someone of the same sex is wrong and teach them about the more important things in life.

Moving on to another quick topic.
I believe in love. Saying someone is going to hell for being in love is like saying drinking water should be illegal. You guys are taking the most precious thing in the world and saying it's wrong. Most homosexuals go through a lot of crap and people who bash on them just pile it on and on. It's wrong, rude, and absurd. It's funny how many people actually have the audacity to tell people who they can and can not marry. That is their freedom, and you don't have the right to take other people's rights away.

SIDE NOTE: If I offended anyone throughout this I am sorry. There are just many important things to go over in life and I feel wasting it on hurting someone for what they believe is unbelievable. We have a short gateway to live life to the fullest and I don't want anyone to waste that or miss that for any reason.
