To: President Donald Trump, The Michigan State House, The Michigan State Senate, Governor Gretchen Whitmer, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate
Legalize Industrial Hemp
We need to legalize Industrialized Hemp (even non-marijuana bud producing kind for states without medical or recreational use laws) for all the things it could replace & fix... Reduce deforestation, end our dependence on fossil fuels, etc...
Why should we disregard our Founding Fathers' views & wish for Hemp to be this country's best crop?
Save our PLANET, our COUNTRY... Allow us to produce & harvest a crop that was meant to be grown here, & can indeed SAVE OUR COUNTRY, econimically as well as literally... Like the ENVIRONMENT (maybe save the WORLD even too, by example)!
Take power from the oil producing countries & put it in our own hands.
Why should we disregard our Founding Fathers' views & wish for Hemp to be this country's best crop?
Save our PLANET, our COUNTRY... Allow us to produce & harvest a crop that was meant to be grown here, & can indeed SAVE OUR COUNTRY, econimically as well as literally... Like the ENVIRONMENT (maybe save the WORLD even too, by example)!
Take power from the oil producing countries & put it in our own hands.
Why is this important?
The Hemp, or Cannabis plant, which is most commonly known as the plant that produces marujuana buds (even though that is legally okay with an appropriate medical condition, in my & other states), is also the plant that is capable of producing fiber, fabric, fuel, rope, medications... etc. Our Founding Fathers saw this land as a GREAT place to grow such a wonderful crop. It is annual, & takes less forrests & trees cut down to make paper. Also, it can make biofuel! Totally cutting our dependance from the LIMITED supply of the world's fossil fuels, ALSO hopefully helping reduce climate change effects. You can even grow INDUSTRIALIZED HEMP without them being the marijuana bud-producing kind!