To: President Donald Trump, The Hawaii State House, The Hawaii State Senate, Governor David Ige, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Legalize Marijuana Now

Is there any Constitutional reason why Medical Marijuana is not covered under the Right of Privacy in Medical and Health Care? No!

In the same way that Abortions are protected and legal; Marijuana is protected and legal.

The Supreme Court based upon the Right of Privacy legalized Abortions [Roe v Wade, 1976].
All Judges of the Supreme Court support the Right of Privacy in Medical and Health Care meaning that Government was NOT given any power.

Since the Government wasn't given any power, government doesn't even have the slightest power to say Marijuana is a dangerous drug with no medical use. Government wasn't given any power to say any thing, make any laws, or restrictions concerning health care or medicine including Medical Marijuana.

Delete all Marijuana Laws! Legalize Marijuana Today!

Why is this important?

Police are arresting Seriously ill Cancer Patients and Stealing their Medicine taking it down to cop headquarters, smoking it up themselves and selling it to their friends. The Marijuana Laws are the Bastard Step-Child of Alcohol Prohibition. All Health Care is Constitutionally Protected.