To: The Maryland State House, The Maryland State Senate, and Governor Larry Hogan

Legalize Medical Marajuana

Please pass the medical marajuana bill for people like me who suffer from chronic pain and do not want to have to rely on addicting narcotics for relief.

Why is this important?

I suffer from severe osteo arthritis and bulging discs in my lower spine.I have been prescribed Percocet for my pain. I worry about using a narcotic so do not take them as often as I need them. One of the side affects besides addiction is constipation, an ongoing problem for me. I had the opportunity to try a small amount of medical marijuana last year from someone with my same issues who was visiting from another state where it is legal. For the first time in 3 years the pain was tolerable but more importantly I was able to sleep through the night and wake up not feeling a drug hangover. If medical marijuana is legalized in Maryland I will no longer have to suffer with dibilitating pain and sleepless nights. Imagine what it could do for someone with worse issues than mine. Please Gov. O'Malley, rethink your concerns about this issue.
