To: President Donald Trump, The Kentucky State House, The Kentucky State Senate, Governor Matt Bevin, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate


Help the ill and meek and not the politics and big business. Legalize Medical Marijuana in Kentucky . Thank you for your support

Why is this important?

I have lived in chronic pain and had PTSD and social anxiety for all of my adult life,starting at age 16 and I am 39 now. Had to self Medicate with cannabis for many years!! But after 6 lower back surgeries I have to go to a pain management center and after my psychological doctors company closed their doors I have to get that medication from my PCP. With all the new laws (which I agree with shutting the pill mills down) I have to take a UA regularly and if I come up positive,then they can no longer give me my medications,which is harming my body!!!! With something as natural as cannabis that treats any things and illnesses,is being kelp illegal in Kentucky because the Big Businesses are making to much money that tax payers have to pay!!! With the revenue that Medical Marijuana would generate would do away with our states deficit and and end the taxpayers part as well as the people that have chronic illnesses would get relief and be able to live comfortable without having to take a regiment of medicine that is harming them and having worry about losing their jobs if do consume cannabis. Many states are saying yes to medical cannabis and no to big business,why don't Kentucky do the same????? We need to come together and use our god giving right as well as our constitutional rights,please help everyone have a voice against the politicians that are making alot of $$$ from these big businesses and improve the life of the meek,thank you and god bless, Jeremy Cornish
