To: The New York State House, The New York State Senate, and Governor Andrew Cuomo

Legalize Medicinal Marijuana, Hemp Production and Decriminalize Small Amounts of Marijuana.

We Need to Legalize Medicinal Marijuana, hemp producion and Decriminalize Small Amounts of Marijuana under a 1/2 ounce in N.Y. Many people would benefit from the medicinal properties of marijuana. There are over 700,000 marijuana arrests made in this country costing billions for incarceration. Decriminalization of amounts of 1/2 ounce and under would greatly reduce prison over crowding and the costs that go with it. Re-legalizing hemp production would be a great financial boom to N.Y. farmers and hemp product producers because hemp production has not been legalized any where else in the U,S, Hemp currently all hemp products made in the U.S. is from hemp shipped from Canada. Hemp production was mandatory by law in the first 13 colonies because rope, oil and textiles were in great demand and still are. there is even a historical land mark on north creek rd. in Palmyra, N.Y. which is a field where hemp was grown..So please pass these laws to make N.Y. thrive from all the benefits of legalizing hemp production and medicinal marijuana and the decriminalizing of small amounts of marijuana.Thank you on behalf of me William English and my fellow petitioners.

Why is this important?

We Need to Legalize Medicinal Marijuana, hemp producion and Decriminalize Small Amounts of Marijuana under a 1/2 ounce in N.Y. Many people would benefit from the medicinal properties of marijuana. There are over 700,000 marijuana arrests made in this country costing billions for incarceration. Decriminalization of amounts of 1/2 ounce and under would greatly reduce prison over crowding and the costs that go with it. Re-legalizing hemp production would be a great financial boom to N.Y. farmers and hemp product producers because hemp production has not been legalized any where else in the U,S, Hemp currently all hemp products made in the U.S. is from hemp shipped from Canada. Hemp production was mandatory by law in the first 13 colonies because rope, oil and textiles were in great demand and still are. there is even a historical land mark on north creek rd. in Palmyra, N.Y. which is a field where hemp was grown..So please pass these laws to make N.Y. thrive from all the benefits of legalizing hemp production and medicinal marijuana and the decriminalizing of small amounts of marijuana.Thank you on behalf of me William English and my fellow petitioners.
