To: The Georgia State House, The Georgia State Senate, Governor Brian Kemp, The United States House of Representatives, The United States Senate, and President Donald Trump

Legalize open adoption.

The lack of protection for birth parents regarding adoption. My story is like so many, painful!

Why is this important?

18 years ago I gave my daughter up for adoption. Previously, I had talked the entire time with the adopting family. I actually knew the wife and her mother and father previously as a child in their church. Within a year-and-a-half of the adoption, all the promises made were taken away. I wasn't sent pictures, I wasn't called, I didn't get updates, I didn't get videos, I got treated like I did something wrong and was cut out.
I want to start this petition so that no other person has to go through what I did. Adoption is a beautiful thing. What's not beautiful is telling lies to a birth mother and then reneging on everything because, as the attorney informed me laughing, there's no such thing and any papers aren't legally binding! Don't feel sorry and take the cheaper route for the adoptive parents. You protect yourself, birth mothers and fathers. Protect yourself because the law does not
