To: President Donald Trump, The Pennsylvania State House, The Pennsylvania State Senate, Governor Tom Wolf, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Legalize The Growing, Farming, and Distribution of Marijuana

Marijuana is a medical product created by nature and is used to treat many ailments to the human body and mind.

Let's move our people and economy forward by legalizing the production, distribution, and use of medical marijuana .

Leaders please hear the people; "Give us help and healing not time and crime punishment."

Help us grow our future and produce safer communities and strong sounder business models that benefits everyone.

We propose that the entire Federal and State governments move to legalize the safe production, and legal distibution of marijuana products.

We propose a flat commodity tax on the usage and production to accomodate paying for the mandates to operate and enforce the law.

Why is this important?

Pennsylvania is in trouble. The criminalization of Marijauna use and sell has made common hustlers into hardened murderers.


Pennyslvania is leading the nation in crowded broken prisons and corrupted school districts.

We are in debt and looking for ways to move our statehood forward into the future.

Would you vote to legalize marijuana if you could vote on it?