To: President Donald Trump, The Wisconsin State House, The Wisconsin State Senate, Governor Tony Evers, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Legalize Wisconsin and our Nation

Legalize and control the use of marijuana the same as tobacco and alcohol to create jobs while reducing the deficit and in the long run creating a state/ national surplus.

Why is this important?

In the past few years our nation and the great state of Wisconsin has been hurting with the lack of jobs and the national and state deficit. I propose, in order to create a multitude of jobs and a way to gain a national/ state surplus of money instead of a deficit we legalize the use of marijuana and control it in the same manner as alcohol and tobacco. Just recently over 300 economists stated that the legalization and taxation on marijuana could save the U.S. $13.7 billion a year. Imagine how that would help our nation and our state grow! I myself personally do not use or condone the use of marijuana, but with that said the use or consumption of marijuana whether someone wants to believe it or not, the acts are there and are presentable. Marihuana does indeed have beneficial uses. Just as alcohol or tobacco it to does have some negative draw backs, but statistically shown by many doctors and scientists that its use isn't anymore harmful to your body than that of consuming a can of soda or a drinking a glass scotch or even taking over the counter aspirin. The research and answers are out there to the benefits of marijuana. The question is, are you as a human being able to put aside your personal convictions or even religious beliefs on this subject matter, then look at those facts and make a well informed decision whether its use and legalization would benefit our state and our nation? Millions of people including myself think so. Please consider it. Thank you!
