To: The Washington State House, The Washington State Senate, and Governor Jay Inslee
Close Tax Loopholes To Fund Education!
We support Governor Inslee's plan to help fund our kids' classrooms by closing unjust tax loopholes on Big Oil and drug companies. It's a commonsense reform that's long overdue. We urge legislators to stand up to special interests and close tax loopholes to invest in education!
Why is this important?
Governor Inslee and the House Democrats recently released a plan to help fund our kids' classrooms by closing unjust tax loopholes. Their plan would end tax breaks for Big Oil, out-of-state-shoppers, and big drug companies. This is a commonsense reform that's long overdue.
Unfortunately, Senate Republicans cut funding for homeless kids, working families, and our most vulnerable seniors. But their budget was even more noteworthy for what it didn't do: they didn't close a single tax loophole.
We know kids that are hungry, sick, or homeless can't learn. But special interest lobbyists are already gearing up to protect their special treatment by forcing legislators to choose between education and health care. We need our Senators to join the House and Governor Inslee standing up to special interests and putting our kids first!
Unfortunately, Senate Republicans cut funding for homeless kids, working families, and our most vulnerable seniors. But their budget was even more noteworthy for what it didn't do: they didn't close a single tax loophole.
We know kids that are hungry, sick, or homeless can't learn. But special interest lobbyists are already gearing up to protect their special treatment by forcing legislators to choose between education and health care. We need our Senators to join the House and Governor Inslee standing up to special interests and putting our kids first!