Abel Cedeno was taunted for years because of his sexual orientation , bullied every day by classmates . After several failed attempts with school staff to end the bullying Abel reached his breaking point . He made the rash decision of attacking his classmates after his bullies repeatedly threw pencils at his head , unfortunately the attack ended in the death of a classmate. This young man pleaded for help to no avail and it's unfair that he's a victim also and he will be scarred for life. Abel is a young man who made a mistake and acted on impulse , please sign for the judge to have leniency . Don't let this young life go lost in the system because school staff swept this under the rug.
Why is this important?
I am the mother of a teenage boy who's Gay and was taunted and tortured even raped in the school system . We begged for help and never received it. My son was suicidal and depressed for many years and started to become violent because he had no choice , his defense mechanism was all he had . Being a teen is hard enough but when you're a Gay teen teenagers can be very cruel. Please give this young man a second chance at life .