To: President Donald Trump

Let Bush Tax Cuts Expire on Top Earners

President Obama the people have spoken. We re-elected you to require that top earners to pay a fair share. Please don't break your campaign promises before you've even been sworn in.

Why is this important?

Last Tuesday our President, Barack Obama, won a decisive victory after running on a platform of letting the tax cuts for earners making more than $250,000 a year expire. Now as our country faces a fiscal cliff, our Republican controlled Congress would like to pretend that our voices were actually asking for the opposite. It's important that we hold the President and especially congress accountable to the will of the majority. If we'd wanted these tax cuts to be extended Mitt Romney would be President-elect today. If Boehner refuses to compromise or the President in a desire to seem like a 'bipartisan" caves to their re-invention of recent events, they need to know which way the wind is actually blowing. One cannot complain about deficits and then continue ill-conceived tax cuts to those who need it the least. If they send a bill without that particular piece the President should veto it. If we go off the "fiscal cliff" he should stump in each of these Republicans counties in 2014. There must be consequences for this obstructionism, and not just for regular people.