To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Let Majority Rule

Why can't every vote count? By utilizing the Electoral College, we are silencing the voices of our voters by giving each state a "winner takes all" tally. Let's move to end the Electoral College and let the people of the United States have their voices back.

Why is this important?

The United States is a democracy. The voice of the nation's people is what guides our government through the election process.

The United States utilizes an obsolete election system based on the number of congressmen and population density in each state. The Electoral College is a flawed system because a candidate can win by a landslide in one state, and lose by a few thousand votes in another, giving that candidate the most overall votes, and yet the opposing candidate can still win the election because of the way the states are weighted in the Electoral College.

This is the second election in recent history where the voters favored one candidate, but the Electoral College appointed the opposing candidate to the presidency. In doing so, our democratic process has failed the citizens of this nation and disempowered the voters in the election process.

We, the undersigned, move to change our election system to one where the true majority rules and every vote counts. We wish to see future elections utilize the Popular Vote to elect officials to our country's highest office, and end the use of the Electoral College.
