To: Mike Cuffe (MT-1), The Montana State House, The Montana State Senate, and Governor Steve Bullock

Let Montanans Choose to Die With Dignity

We urge you to pas SB 220 - the "Montana Death With Dignity Act." Doctors and terminally ill patients need this legislation to protect end of life decisions and treatments. Montanans should have the choice to be spared from needless agony in their final hours.

Why is this important?

My father lived a full and vigorous life of 84 years, but he was not allowed to die in peace. Even in the excellent hospice facility he chose for his final days, he was forced to die in agony because the law didn't allow his doctor or care-givers to administer enough morphine to end his terrible suffering. Instead, very slowly, over a period of days, he drowned in his own body fluids. No-one should ever have to suffer that way. No family should ever have to watch helplessly as their loved one passes from this world in such pain. We don't even make our pets endure such needless anguish. Montanans must be given the option to die with dignity. Terminally ill patients must have the right to alleviate unnecessary suffering in their last days. We must pass SB220.
