To: All
Let's Say No to The Sexualization of Children
The sexualization of children, especially young girls, has become a widespread phenomenon in our society that needs to be stopped.
Numerous images of sexualized children are becoming increasingly common in media, advertising and marketing materials .Brands such as Victoria secret, Bratz dolls, Kia are now exported around the world daily, intensifying the sexualization of girls as property and an exploitable commodity and causing the trivialization of sexuality and the eroticization violence.
We hereby lodge a formal complaint about advertisements that put more values on children physical appearance rather than their intellect. We find these advertisements unacceptable for children.
We call upon all parents, institutions and organizations worldwide to take effective actions so as to protect children innocence, precisely girls by ceasing to buy products or support any organizations that contribute to the sexualisation of children.
We oppose all programs and advertisements that objectified girls or promote sexual materials to children. We insist that such programs or ads should redefine their approach to youth because they are everything but not educative for our future adults.
We feel that childhood is stolen from these young girls since they are early expose to adult sexuality.
We further declare that such programs and advertisements are in violation of the children rights convention which recognizes that “the child by reason of his/her physical and mental immaturity, needs special safeguards and care."
Finally, we call upon all responsible citizens of the world to join us in signing this petition and do all they can to denounce media or advertisements that jeopardize children innocence.
Numerous images of sexualized children are becoming increasingly common in media, advertising and marketing materials .Brands such as Victoria secret, Bratz dolls, Kia are now exported around the world daily, intensifying the sexualization of girls as property and an exploitable commodity and causing the trivialization of sexuality and the eroticization violence.
We hereby lodge a formal complaint about advertisements that put more values on children physical appearance rather than their intellect. We find these advertisements unacceptable for children.
We call upon all parents, institutions and organizations worldwide to take effective actions so as to protect children innocence, precisely girls by ceasing to buy products or support any organizations that contribute to the sexualisation of children.
We oppose all programs and advertisements that objectified girls or promote sexual materials to children. We insist that such programs or ads should redefine their approach to youth because they are everything but not educative for our future adults.
We feel that childhood is stolen from these young girls since they are early expose to adult sexuality.
We further declare that such programs and advertisements are in violation of the children rights convention which recognizes that “the child by reason of his/her physical and mental immaturity, needs special safeguards and care."
Finally, we call upon all responsible citizens of the world to join us in signing this petition and do all they can to denounce media or advertisements that jeopardize children innocence.
Why is this important?
We are all responsible of the future of our kids, whether we have, we are planning on having or we simply want a better future for the next generation. So, it is important to denounce societal behavior that can put them at risk.