To: Deer Park ISD (South Campus)

Let us be who we want to be!

Stop letting faculty tell us how we may present our looks and believes.

Why is this important?

(Facial hair, piercings, and brand types on clothing)
Facial hair: I think that one, facial hair is not an issue due to the fact that its human nature. Plus, if my mom, dad or guardian says that i can walk out of the house, and go to school with said facial hair, than it should not be an issue.
Piercings: I say that once again, if my mom, dad or guardian says that i am aloud to have and wear said piercing (being facial or not) than it shouldn't be a problem. Iv had more attention drawn to me when i don't have my piercings (gauges) in than when they are, simply because it looks gross.
Brand type on clothing: I don't understand how we can go to a school where i can walk around with a cross on my shirt or other said clothing, but if the cross is flipped upside down it is not aloud and will result in a write up. Its not just that though, i think that any religious view should be aloud to be expressed while on school, and once again if my mom, dad or guardian is alright with it, than it should not be an issue.

I also want to point out that if i am not correct, colleges will look back on your grades, test scores, attendance, and any record of disciplinary actions that had to of been taken place (write ups, pink slips, conduct marks, ect) i don't think getting in trouble and having marks on your record for colleges to see, when i couldn't wear a type of shirt, or because i had some hair growing on myself, which comes natural.
