To: You and I!, The People with the Power!

Let's change the world by forming communities of mutual support and caring

You and I have the power to come together to build communities of mutual caring and support that will be the basis of a peaceful, just and ecologically sustainable society. By signing this petition, you are pledging to do what you can to start building a community with those you know. It's simple: spend time together (as much as possible) exploring all the ways you can cooperate in meeting everyone's needs and managing your affairs. Imagine together a society of sharing, caring, inclusion, diversity and mutual support! How can we empower each other to bring true democracy to the US and the world?

Why is this important?

It's time to stop trying to get others to do what they should do. If we want a peaceful, just, and ecologically sustainable world, all the protesting, pleading or petitioning of authority figures isn't going to make that happen. These institutions are their (the 1%'s) game and they're well-armored against outsiders (you and I) meddling with what they've set up (for their own benefit, of course).
