To: The Texas State House, The Texas State Senate, and Governor Greg Abbott
Let's end child abuse
The current system to help and protect the innocent children living in abusive homes is broken and jaded; we need a change. They NEED a change.
Why is this important?
Ending any act of child abuse: physical, mental and sexual abuse. I have lived in a household where abuse has happened. Although it wasn't a regular occurrence, it has happened on more than one occasion. I believe our state (Texas) needs to reconsider their laws and help protect innocent children in abusive households. When will people realize it's happening? When a child is so brutally beaten in a hospital bed? Or when they are in their casket at their funeral? When will our society take a stand to end child abuse? No child deserves a life of physical, mental or sexual hurt. No one does. Although the physical scars don't always stay, the mental ones do. These kids will always have those memories for the rest of their lives. Police aren't acting and CPS isn't always the strongest point of safety. We need laws passed. We need people taking a stand!