To: Phil Griffin, President, MSNBC

Let's Get Ed Schultz back on Prime Time

Do not take Ed Schultz off at 8 P.M. on MSNBC, Ed is the voice of the working class people. Saturdays and Sundays at 5 P.M. are not the times that Ed can reached the masses. He stood with the working class; now we have to stand for him.

Why is this important?

Ed Schultz, who is on at 8 P.M. on MSNBC is being moved to Saturdays and Sundays. Ed is a voice for the people and has been in the forefront for working class Americans, of all colors. Americans can not afford to lose such a voice when so many working class people are struggling to survive. Ed will be replaced by Chris Hayes. Chris is a bright young man but people in the 40-70 age bracket will not find a commonality with Chris Hayes. Join with us and get Ed Schultz back.
