To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Let's get real democracy.

Restore true Democratic Government. Ban all political advertizing (as in England), make voting mandatory (as in Australia), designate voting day a Federal holiday (as in Germany), and increase the presidential terms to 6 years (as in Austria), yielding representative government, capable of tackling compex problems without the immediate distractions of re-election.

Why is this important?

As we have seen in the 2012 election, Democracy is: 1.Threatened by those with power and wealth, who can buy votes through advertising; 2. Often unrepresentative, since it only reflects the agenda of those sufficiently motivated to actually vote; and 3. Weakened by the almost immediate need to consider re-election, distracting the president and forcing the government to embrace short term and often ineffective solutions to complex problems.
