To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Let's help each other

We can help now by urging all our elected officials to do the following:
1. Start burying the power lines NOW-spend the money here.
2. Hire returning vets with many, many different skills to do that, to train to fight fires when needed, to rebuild the lost homes, businesses etc now and each year.

Why is this important?

The power outages of last fall and this past week along the east coast and the fires out west need out attention. We can help each other and the nation by encouraging all of our elected officials to do the following:
1. Start burying the power lines NOW-spend the money here.
2. Hire returning vets with many, many different skills to do that, to train to fight fires when needed, to rebuild the lost homes, businesses etc now and each year.
